Ask Carson James
Carson James answers horse training questions and provides natural solutions for horse training solving horse problems. New episodes every Tuesday. Get more horse training at https://carsonjames.com
Podcasting since 2021 • 116 episodes
Ask Carson James
Latest Episodes
The Debatable Topic of Head Positions
What is the most proper head position for a horse? It depends on who you ask. In this podcast, we dive into this controversial subject and explore several different schools of thought.Get more horse training at

How To Ride A Horse Though A Turn Strictly By The Book
This podcast is gonna involve talking about your horse’s physical balance and his mental balance. I’m gonna go over a few exercises you can do to help your horse have optimal balance through a turn.Get more horse training at

Interview with Tom Pannell - The Mule Sniffer
For this week's podcast, I want you to meet a great man by the name of Tom Pannell. I had the pleasure of meeting him while I was in Bozeman MT. He shared some amazing stories with me. Some about Tom Dorrance, one about how he became recognized...