Ask Carson James
Carson James answers horse training questions and provides natural solutions for horse training solving horse problems. New episodes every Tuesday. Get more horse training at https://carsonjames.com
116 episodes
The Debatable Topic of Head Positions
What is the most proper head position for a horse? It depends on who you ask. In this podcast, we dive into this controversial subject and explore several different schools of thought.Get more horse training at

How To Ride A Horse Though A Turn Strictly By The Book
This podcast is gonna involve talking about your horse’s physical balance and his mental balance. I’m gonna go over a few exercises you can do to help your horse have optimal balance through a turn.Get more horse training at

Interview with Tom Pannell - The Mule Sniffer
For this week's podcast, I want you to meet a great man by the name of Tom Pannell. I had the pleasure of meeting him while I was in Bozeman MT. He shared some amazing stories with me. Some about Tom Dorrance, one about how he became recognized...

Respect Is A Bad Word
This podcast covers the why and how the term “respect” is horribly misinterpreted and how to get all of this headed in the right direction. Get more horse training at http://carsonjames.com

How To Balance Out Any Horse
For this week’s podcast, we’re gonna talk about how you can find the balance with your horse if he has a tendency to be lazy or hot. Get more horse training at http://carsonjames.com

Your Horse Has A Need For Speed
Riders often feel they are ensuring their safety by holding the horse back, but it’s actually the opposite. A horse will not feel safe unless he knows he can naturally and freely move without interference from the rider. For this week’s podcast...

A Horse Will Shape His Body For Where His Mind Is Trying To Go
For this week’s podcast, I’m gonna talk about how a young Colt was able to get past all his buddy sour magnets while only at a walk. Get more horse training at http://carsonjames.com

Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer…Except It Was A Horse
For this week’s podcast, I want to talk about a question that we recently got asked. When leading a horse that has a tendency to get spooky, would it be better to lead him by your shoulder or keep him behind you around 6ft? Get more horse train...

When Your Horse Is Too Far Gone
High pressure situations are usually not the optimal time for fixing a problem. If he’s tipped too far the other way that your horse is a total basket case, then get by the best you can for the current situation, but don’t fail to work on...

Is Your Horse Being Reactive Or Responsive?
Just because a horse responds to something does not mean that he is scared. We often remove the natural lightness from our horse by accidentally making him dull and unresponsive. Get more horse training at http:...

My Horse Paws When I Ask Him To Back Up. Should I Ignore It?
For this week’s podcast, I'm gonna go over a question that was asked at one of our recent clinics. The question was, “my horse paws when I ask him to back up. Should I ignore it?” Get more horse training at http...

How To Make Backing Your Horse Easier
Before trying to get your horse to back up, try this first. After about 5 or 6 rides, your horse will start to engage their hind feet to allow lightness when backing. Get more horse training at http://carsonjame...

Handy Saddling Tips
For this week’s podcast, I’m gonna go over a few handy tips that I like to use/do when saddling. 90% of you don’t know about these 5% of the time. Get more horse training at http://carsonjames.com

What Is Your Definition Of A Broke Horse?
We have strayed so far from the definition of what a “broke” horse is. It’s time to start doing more than circles. Get more horse training at http://carsonjames.com

My Filly Colt
I Just got a new horse, so I figured for this week’s podcast, I would tell you how it’s going so far. She came to me with a reputation of being hard to get a long with, but I found that she is just not a very big fan of having a leg on her. Mak...

Why Should You Improve Your Horse’s Speed / Lightness?
For this week’s podcast, I’m gonna talk about adding speed and the huge benefits this has for you and your horse. Would you believe that this actually can make your horse calmer? Get more horse training at http:...

The “S” Word
It’s a pretty simple deal. Don’t think stop; they get braced if you do. Instead, teach them to rapidly slow down with proper balance in the body and feet. Get more horse training at http://carsonjames.com&nb...

Catching The Uncatchable Horse
When it comes to this issue, you have to ask yourself, “why is he not wanting to be caught?” It could be a number of reasons right? Whatever the reason might be, it can be accomplished using this method. The outcome will be a horse that loves t...

The Powerful Piece You Might Be Missing
This is one of the single best things you can do to improve your feeling and timing. In this podcast, I’m gonna talk about how to get started and what you can expect when you stay consistent. Get more horse training at

Small Changes Produce Huge Results
For this week’s podcast, I’m going to share what I have been working on with my horse. You would not believe (or maybe you will) how light you can get a horse by doing exercises only at a standstill or walk. The results have been amazing! ...

The Benefits Of Trotting Diagonals
For this week’s podcast, we’re going to dive into the wonderful world of diagonals. This is an extremely beneficial exercise for your horse. Get more horse training at http://carsonjames.com ...

Round Pen Troubleshooting
On this week’s podcast, I’m going to talk about a common problem that many horse owners encounter when round penning their horse. So many owners struggle to establish the main foundation of round pen work, and that is fluid consistency and bala...

How To Strengthen A Horse’s Back That Has A Tendency To Hollow Out
For this week’s podcast, I am going to talk about how to correct and strengthen a horse’s back that hollows out. One of the first things that needs to be tackled is making sure you are not contributing to this problem. Get more horse training a...